Please help Toby



This little fellow is Toby an 18week old black labrador who is very poorly.
His owner took him to the vets as he was struggling to walk, but when the vet mentioned he would need an operation on his hips, his owner asked for him to be put to sleep 😦
luckily some nice people at ani-aid pet care services managed to get him and are now trying to fix his legs so he can run and bounce like other puppies.

He has visited the vets a few times and they have said he will need a double hip replacement at the estimated cost of £4000 per hip!
They have currently raised around £1500 but desperately need more donations.

You can help by sending a donation through PayPal to with the reference Toby
Or send a cheque to k. Adams 280 alderman green road, Coventry cv1 2pd
Or if you would like to help while getting yourself a tasty treat then will be donating 5% donation from every bag of treats sold during august to go towards tobys hip fund. There treats are yummy!

Find out more and keep up to date on twitter @aniaid999